Our Governance and Elected Leaders

Unitarian Universalist congregations are each responsible for their own governance and create their own by-laws. Here at Emerson we use a Governance and Ministry" model developed by independent consultant Dan Hotchkiss, formerly with the Alban Institute.

In this structure, a Board of Trustees elected by the congregation is responsible for setting policies, monitoring finances, stewarding buildings and grounds and overseeing  employment. They guide the work performed to meet the congregation’s mission, vision and covenant and supervise the Minister (who supervises the staff).

The Board delegates to the Minister, Ministry Council, and Staff responsibilities regarding programs and the daily management of the Fellowship.

Our Board of Trustees 2024-2025

The Board of Trustees are dedicated Emerson members elected by the community. They hold 3 year terms that coincide with the fiscal year of July 1 - June 30th. Each board member serves either as an officer or an operations associates overseeing specific areas of congregational operations.

The Ministry Council

The Emerson Ministry Council serves the congregation by collaborating with our minister to vision, plan, coordinate, and implement the programmatic ministries of Emerson UUC.

Ministry Associates are lay leaders with a deep commitment to Emerson and Unitarian Universalist values. They nurture their leadership skills, deepen their spirituality, strengthen their connections among the membership, and develop their Unitarian Universalist identity in the course of serving the Congregation’s mission and vision. They are selected, trained and installed by the Minister.

Together with the Choir Director, Music Coordinator, Director of Family Ministries, and the Minister, the 3-5 lay ministry associates form our Ministry Council.

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