We are not islands unto ourselves. Being in community means being there for each other to celebrate the joys, grieve the sorrows and remind us we are not alone in our concerns.
Pastoral care is a central ministry of Emerson Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Our team of trained pastoral care providers are available to support you in challenging times providing deep listening and care. This listening can be in person, through telephone calls, email messages, texts, and mailed messages and cards. We also make visits to the hospital, care facility, and other locations. When you contact us, a member of our team will reach out in the way that works best for you.
Our team members also provide the opportunity for you to share personal Joys, Concerns or Sorrows during worship. Visit our pastoral care table prior to service to submit what you'd like to share. A pastoral care associate will read these during worship and reach out to you, if you would like, to provide personal support.
You are also welcome to light a candle of care in the front of the sanctuary each Sunday prior to service.
Together during our time of Joys, Sorrows, and Concerns we send loving kindness to all those named and unnamed that we are holding in our hearts by sharing the Buddhist prayer of Loving Kindness.
May we all be filled with Loving Kindness.
May we all be free from harm and suffering.
May we all be well in body, heart, and mind.
May we all be at peace.
To submit a Joy, Concern or Sorrow or request supportive listening, please click the button below to email us.
You may also contact a Pastoral Care team member in person on Sundays– you can recognize us by the special name tag we wear at services
Need practical support after a major life transition? The Helping Hands Committee coordinates helping members through difficult times. They provide short term support such as delivering meals and transportation to doctors or to Emerson.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture, Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out For some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing,
And invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent,
As a guide from beyond.
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Congregation • 4010 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066 • Office Hours Mon-Thur 9am-5pm • (770) 578-1533 •
| All Rights Reserved | Emerson UU