Covenant of UU Pagans


Emerson’s Covenant of UU Pagans (known as CUUPS) sponsors Wheel of the Year celebrations throughout the year. These Pagan/Earth centered family friendly festival celebrations honor the changing seasons and our part in the circle of life. We share conversation and craft making, many of us bringing drinks and light snacks to share, a drum, and a yard chair or sit upon.

Events begin at 7PM with socializing and circle call (gathering in circle) around 8PM. We gather, rain or shine! If we are able to be outside and have a fire pit, we do! Our group is made up of members from a variety of traditions, and we take turns presenting rituals for our celebrations.

Wheel of the Year Gatherings for 2022-2023:


We also offer a Pagan Merry Meet after Sunday worship once each month.

You can reach us by sending an email to:

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